It is funny that what anchors you is in knowing what will pass. I heard recently that,

‘This too, will pass.’

applies to all things of this world. People normally use that as a consolation when you’re in hardship, but when you’re in delightful moments, it’s good not to forget that it applies all the same. Yes, that too will pass.

May be passing as quickly as my running days are now past ! πŸ˜†

How do you go out?

I think one of the most valuable things we’ve lost today is quietness, because we don’t make time for it. Many today start the day glancing at their phones, which sets the frame of mind for the rest of the day.

I don’t remember since when, but I do not normally look at my phone when I got out of bed, a habit I’ve developed quite some years ago and I recommend it. When I wake up, first comes my morning routine ~ yes πŸͺ₯ brushing teeth, πŸ₯› drinking a glass of water, doing some reading πŸ“–, some praying 🧎, πŸ‘‚ listening to a talk while having πŸ«– πŸ₯ž breakfast, and then,.. may be I’ll have a first look at my phone πŸ‘€.

You’ll hope by then I’m ready to face the day. Even so, I still fail terribly and everyday ends with me recognising I could do better in this and that way. So imagine skipping it – how much worse it will be!

What’s the guide of the day? We know it should be to please God. Not how good you’ll feel afterward, not the reactions you’re hoping to get from people or whatever else, but only obedience. There is fullness of joy promised in the way of obedience and may that be what we are contented with.

Easier said than done? That’s why start with a reminder every single morning 🌀

First thing in the morning, 🀫 just be quiet and choose wisely what to fill our mind with

Service is a privilege πŸ€”

Some years ago, I thought serving is doing someone a favour. And I wondered who would be so free to use their time for the good of others? It’s certainly not easy to listen to life’s craps, but I saw people who not only kept listening to others, but also genuinely cared and gave off themselves (although sometimes I wonder if it’s just their job given the role they’re in).

But slowly I started to see things differently. Now I do think serving is indeed a privilege. It is more blessed to give than receive (the bible is right). It is however not without struggle, may be even fiercely sometimes, and could be a very lonely thing to do too. But how else would you like to better spend your days if not in things that actually last?

Needs to be said though, it’s not always or often difficult, sometimes it is an absolute delight (to be alongside each other)
The family of God comes with sweet fellowship and a time of rest

I used to pray for people from whom I benefit (because of their service) and asked that I too could be of some support to them. Then it happened that way, like an answered prayer. And then, if you’re responsible and faithful with little, more will be given. Yes, more responsibilities, and burdens to bear and loads to carry. But it’s in taking responsibility that one grows and is blessed even as you seek to bless others.

Normal everyday crosses πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

There are internal turmoils that people experience that are invisible from the outside, because it’s not like, say, someone died, or they got into an accident, or they lose their job. Nothing spectacular outwardly, but it’s eating you inside, chewing at your bones. Ever felt like that? Things that come from everyday life, little by little, endlessly, like death by a thousand cuts πŸ”ͺπŸ”

I find it difficult when I’m misunderstood or ignored, and other things that can be hurtful in relationships. So many things are transactional in life, you’ll hope it’s different in church, but it isn’t. People don’t really care, people stick to their own clicks, people don’t honour their words, you’re in a ‘relationship’ only for your usefulness, then when that’s over, you’re unseen to them. The worst thing is when they’re people you respect, it’s disturbing but enlightening at the same time. We live up to our claim that church is full of sinful people, for we are. Not better, only forgiven. And then we hopefully grow (we’d better do).

The good thing with discouragements like this is I learn it reveals my problem is in overvaluing acceptance from others. Then it points to the need to work on myself. I’ve been thinking recently and it just occured to me today that it’s also something to do with some of my childhood experience. Funny how things in your long past can still, like a secret box (that you don’t even know is there!) suddenly pops up and opens up, teaching you things you may or may not like. Some things just never leave you this side of heaven.

Like old graffiti that leaves ugly marks for a long while

On one level, I think what I face is so petty and small. On another, I guess the worst thing in this world is the human heart after all, so perhaps it’s not so much a surprise if one of the worst experience in your life is what people do to each other. What worsens it is when there’s something really wrong in us to begin with, when we’re caught in endless downward spiral of our own dark thoughts, trapped in a swamp of terrors. What worsens it further is when well meaning friends turn to be miserable comforters. They don’t get the right issue, but you have to learn to receive their input graciously (for although they may be mistaken altogether, there’s still something you may learn from what they say). That’s loneliness.

Anyway, whatever it is, I know there’s no other option but to live everyday striving to have the right perspective and attitude.

Your life isn’t about you. It’s about God and the people He’s placed around you to serve and love.

What else do you want to achieve with your life? To make friends? To grow fat and be happy? To marry and have kids? To live long? And then, what? It doesn’t matter how long or well you live in any or all of those, or what people think. The question that matters in or without all of that is: what do you do with the opportunities you’ve been given – do you serve God with that, bless others with that? That’s all. All the other things people concern their life with will come to nothing and end in death. Of course you may wonder is it better to still go through your life having all those for a time before losing it, and I’ll say it’s fair to wrestle with the thought. May be just don’t spend too much time dwelling on it, but get about and start doing something useful instead.

So, big crosses, small crosses, strive to think rightly and live rightly. As an old saint said,

.. remember this, that your life is short, your duties many, your assistance great, and your reward sure; therefore faint not, hold on and hold up, in ways of well-doing, and heaven shall make amends for all!

Thomas Brooks

Some things only make sense through the lense of eternity, a reality very hard to grasp by the human mind.

But everything else will indeed pass, even land mass and the seas. So be thoughtful where you do stand.

Your thoughts?