Well, nowadays it seems mental health diagnosis as depression, PTSD, etc are easily and speedly given. The stats used to say 20% people suffer from it at some points in their life, but it feels more like 80%. In this post, I’m going to say what would be listed as ‘what not to say to people in depression’, so just a heads up if you wanna read on. I’m speaking my thoughts and here they are.

At times I still hear people say there is a stigma attached to it, but that seems to be good old days long gone. At least in the Western world where I live, let alone stigma, it seems to carry with it a badge of honour instead šŸŽ–ļø. Not something to hide or to be ashamed of, but something to flaunt, like you have the privileged card, or priority pass, or the likes. Especially the younger generation, I feel like sometimes you just need to toughen up, grow up and get real, wake up to the reality of a difficult life (these would be the standard ‘what not to say’ to sufferers, I know). Still, it does look to me in many cases that’s what is needed more than handing out more licences to skip life responsibilities.

I came back from Indo not long ago. Some take holidays as an escape from reality, but if anything, to me it is more a reminder of the hard reality of the life and world I’ve been sheltered from most days. Either from long chats with friends/family, brief chats with the maids, workers, strangers, or just quietly observing people from the car windscreens at the traffic lights, I wonder how they live from day to day, what hope they hold on to, or what future is there to look forward to. It makes me think the talks about being depressed is for those who can afford it. In one sense, when you are surviving at the primal level and living in such poverty, you have no luxury to be self-absorbed with your abstract mind. I know people who on the other hand are free of concerns not only their survival, but also that of their next generations, who are thus the most miserable and mentally tormented souls. It is as though now that you are physically and materially fine, you have the time to be depressed.

Having said that, I know such thing exists and recognise it is a different kind of struggle. There are times when darkness looms over, and you can do nothing but to stay beneath the darkness that pervades your skies until it passes. When the illness is real, it can be very delibitating. So yes, taking mental health seriously is of course important. But what I observe is we don’t do well in discerning between what needs treatment vs needs a good big slap. I also find concerning that the latter cases actually undermine genuine cases, i.e., you’re belittling the afflictions on real sufferers when your routine whining is classed the same. I doubt anyone who suffers will be so ready to announce to the world of their condition. Not saying you should suffer in silence, but I’ll take it with a load of salt šŸ§‚šŸ§‚šŸ§‚ those who are too quick and eager to invite a pity party for themselves in this regard. In any case, it does no one good to pretend you are the centre of the universe when you are in pain, it just makes things worse for everyone.

Recently I came across a kind of brain dump I had on the computer some years ago šŸ§ šŸ—‘ļø (in fact I even titled the document ‘Thoughts Dump’!). Re-reading it now, turns out the dump wasn’t just craps. It gives me food for thought when I look back now. So I will share it here (and the next post, as it is quite a long dump – another heads up for you: stretches of paragraphs coming up šŸ“ƒšŸ“ƒšŸ“ƒ).

Some background

It was written more than five years ago during one of my lows, just a glimpse into the darkness I occassionally went into. Not sure if writing brought me clarity, but I am surprised at the relative clear-headedness and the ability to articulate, given I was clearly not in the right mind. Despite the right theology of suffering and the fact I was helping others in their struggles, yet it didn’t help me. It stopped at the head knowledge and seemed to be a burden. A good thing at least that I was quite honest and had no trouble in speaking my mind (at least to myself).

It also sounds so me (of course, it was me after all!). I will say more in the next post on what I think on reading back and how things have been since then, but for now, here you go, unedited.

Brain dump (2019) šŸ§ +šŸ—‘ļø = šŸ“ƒšŸ“ƒšŸ“ƒāœ’ļø

Melly (2019)

To be continued in the next post

Your thoughts?