(continued from part 1)

Melly (2019)

And the writing just stops there, likely because of some call of duty. Sometimes I really don’t know how I carried on living productively day after day given how exhausting it was just to get up in the morning on those days. I heard someone talked about high-functioning depression being a thing. In any case, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t pay pay much attention to medical professionals of the field because from my personal experience, they aren’t too helpful.

I saw this counsellor years ago who couldn’t tell right from wrong and was a victim of his wife’s unfaithfulness in the past. He told me that to make a point: that it wasn’t wrong for her to cheat on him because everyone decides their own right and wrong. I sat there looking at him wondering what I was doing there. Afterwards, he told me I could call to book another session if I want to. I was thinking, if I go back, it is because he needs more help than me. He’s messed up in the head, he needs a therapist. Another one I saw was so intrigued by my responses to her questions the whole time, I thought I thoroughly entertained her and she should pay me for the hour instead. Also, the diagnosis just doesn’t make sense. Feeling moody? It is severe. Having suicidal thoughts? It is severe. Everything is classified as severe, aren’t there differentiation? I guess they want to err on the safe side, yet it becomes meaningless and unhelpful.

Thoughts on my thoughts dump 💬

The people 👥

When we talk about pain, it’s often got to do with people (whether or not they are the direct cause of it). It is partly the case for me back then, in particular the Christian community. Not surprisingly so, where you invest most time and effort in is where your pain points are, and for me it’s there (for you, might be some other people you spend most time with). Not the first time nor was it the last time I was discouraged. In fact, two years later in 2021, I wrote two-part post about my struggles with people again:

Today, it continues to be people. Including and increasingly so, with myself.

It is the perspective 👓

However, it is often not exactly the people that push you down the cliff, because difficulties with people are there on any day, aren’t they? You manage and live it with it on a normal day quite alright.

The issue, rather, is that there are times when you just are in a different realm. It’s not just the emotion or feelings that lingers, but the lens through which you see things actually appear different. Everywhere you look, it is a problem. Everything is amplified, little things appears big, big things are bigger, even where you saw nothing before now is something, and problematic. Things in the past that’s well past came back all at once, and one thought leads to the next and the next and there’s no end to the dominos that get bigger and darker with each one. The people themselves are just materials for the thought process, part of the mess to play with in your mind.

You only see that in retrospect when you are out of it. Funnily, while in it again, it repeats. It drives you to question not only people, but the very basis of your life and your foundational beliefs, I guess that is how some people end up questioning their worth to exist. The overwhelming sense of hopelessness and despair that weighs on you is no joke.

Times like that has a way to shut you off from what may be helpful, which is normally also people. I lose count how many times I tide over because of a kind friend who ignores, or rather, looks beyond my unreasonableness and reaches out to care nonetheless. That takes someone with grace, wisdom and maturity to deal with me not according to reason and common courtesy. Also importantly, someone with counsel that actually helps. Just being well-intentioned isn’t sufficient. And how many such people are around? Quite rare. Even if they are arond, you won’t always have them available, nor is it even always appropriate, not least because there are other priorities and life duties to attend to than you as one of their crazy friends.

Yet perceptive ✅

In the midst of the mess, I think I was on to something true. If you stare life squarely in the face, there is something right about the warrant for the lingering anxiety I wrote about, just like what I read recently,

Matthew Henry (A Method for Prayer)

Danger is indeed everywhere and at every corner, visible and invisible. We’re just too distracted to have any sense of their being with, in and around us, until you are well placed with nothing but your dark mind to consult with, then you see clearer. The problem is I often see clearly only the bleak reality. That’s the nature of such struggles. On better days however, when the clouds pass on, then what Matthew Henry continues to say makes sense,

Matthew Henry (A Method for Prayer)

Ponder on 🪑

So that’s one instance where I was in 2019. How have things been and where am I up to? In terms of what goes through the mind in the thought process, it’s grown darker. But in terms of the cycles of depressive episodes, glad to say I am managing better.

It is how you see the light clearer when you are further in the dark, especially the darkness of your own soul. And I’m sure I will not stop being surprised by how many more layers or what lies behind each layer of the human heart, for that I can see mine most clearly. And increasingly, for that I am called to concern myself with mostly.

Endless cycles of madness in life like this also reminds you don’t get too comfortable in this world, it’s not home. Something is broken and it will always be the case this side of heaven. But as Christians, to remember,

Matthew Henry (A Method for Prayer)

Your thoughts?