Other than that’s what we are called to do as Christians, what I want to share are what we didn’t quite think of getting as we go about just serving and trying.

Often times, it’s a duty, or to meet a need – there’s something to be achieved or a task to be completed. But things do come and go, events happen then pass, what lasts from those is the shaping of your character during the whole process.

The overlooked benefits

By nature, we prefer to be served instead, to get the tangible benefits from the service.

In my experience, however, so many blessings, lessons learnt and growth have come out of serving others, even for times when I didn’t do it all that willingly.

Being result oriented, I also initially thought that competence is the main criteria for a role you’re to fill. That certainly should be the case in many fields in society. While not untrue in Christian ministry, it also turns out God let me step out in and despite inadequacy, and I learn many lessons.

📃 Here are some –

~ Consistency and reliability 🔁

Some tasks were the types that you do in repeated routine. It doesn’t take that much time each time you do it, nor that much thought. It only requires ongoing consistency and reliability, which I think is hard to come by these days, aren’t they?

To be there and get things done regardless of how you feel or what’s going on in other parts of your life. I also think it subtly provides some sort of stability because I know that’s something to be done, somewhat a predictable and expected part of my days.

Like the cycle of seasons is reliable (although the daily Melb weather isn’t!)

~ Lessons from diversity and difference

Sometimes you’re placed in a team with people who think very differently or even opposite from you. That’s when I feel challenged to be clear of my own stand on a matter, to formulate clearly reasonings for my position, to listen and understand others, to wait when I don’t think something is worth the time. In all that, it also reveals my weaknesses I need to know of.

~ Trust in God’s sovereignty

There are times when, by circumstance or need, you end up with more than you can manage. I certainly felt that way with one of the things I was doing last year. Other than learning a lot through it, picking up skills along the way, I also learnt to let go of control.

By nature I’m quite a control freak, but I’ve gradually changed over the years as I see at different points that things aren’t always within my control. It makes me anxious especially when a host of different things depend on others. But I’ve learnt there’s a kind of freedom in letting go that comes from knowing and doing my part, and also humility in recognising the outcome isn’t much in my control, nor should it be.

The above conference (Engage conference) was one of those things that when I looked back post event and was amazed how could it have pulled off? I know it wasn’t me! God made sure I know that. There were times during the conference when things happened that was truly out of my depths, but God provided the right people to be around at the right time.

Sometimes get to see the beauty that comes only in the middle of night (this was literally taken the night I had to stay up late, as I gazed into the sky and took a few moments to marvel at it while running some errands)

~ Learn to yield

In the body of Christ, while we say each has a role to play and a gift to benefit others, yet you may not always have a great team or leader to work with. In such times, you still need to let go of control when it’s not within your jurisdiction and to defer, to show respect where it’s due. Yes, hopefully to be an agent of change if that’s appropriate and kindly done, but otherwise to be content with the state of things meanwhile.

I learn there’s a time for everything and you don’t have to fix everything everytime as there may be more important things than just what appears. I myself have been given time and opportunities for growth and shown grace when I fail, likewise God is working with each individual to grow them in His own time and ways too and I should be a part that is helpful to the process, which may sometimes mean letting people do their roles however they choose to.

~ Stretched in different ways 🤸

When I took on a new role last year, I found myself becoming more aware of and in check of myself. I didn’t know I would until I did, and when I thought about it there is no other appropriate way otherwise. Every role comes with its responsibilities, so when you are entrusted with it then you make sure you do as expected. This include things that don’t come naturally to me, such as looking out for others I otherwise won’t be too aware of, or actively putting others’ interest before mine.

Hopefully, what you do by duty or necessity of the role gradually becomes a part of who you are eventually.

~ Enjoy the ride 🚴

Yes, I learn there are enjoyment in service too! One of the things I have been doing is being part of my church’s Multimedia team. At first I didn’t know I would like it too much as I first joined more to fill a need than for my own interest. It turns out I find it enjoyable, so the last few times I took stock of things I’m keeping, this stays simply by reason I do enjoy it. And I am not planning to leave this team anytime soon!

Also, there are seasons. There’re a few things I’ve stepped away from doing this year, but I normally give myself at least 2 years before I leave a ministry, just so to give it enough time for a good go.

~ Loving in practice costs

One day, I was about to go home after a long day when someone chatted to me and it looked like it would take awhile. So, I stayed and listened that evening.

At the end of the night I went home a lot later than I expected, physically exhausted. But mentally better? No, it turned out to be a conversation that revealed a lot that I did not know and that I was quite distressed to learn about. But those are things I’m better off being aware of, so that’s good to know. Comfort isn’t all that important and ignorance doesn’t help where it matters.

It’s not uncommon that to cheer a sad heart, to lift up a soul out of darkness, to walk alongside a friend through difficulties cause you exhaustion. But if you love, it always costs. I may always choose to maintain a safe distance from people so it apparently costs me nothing, but I will live a cold life prematurely before I lay cold and dead in the coffin when my time’s up.

There were also times times when I learn to be more patient, accomodating, gracious, more kind – all the things I’m in short supply of! – while spending time with people, either in big groups, small groups or one to one. People can be the most trying things in life, so spending time with people can be a very growing experience if I’m more intentional about it.

Sure, there’re plenty of good times + good food spent with laughter among friends and family, but there are so much more to be gained while spending time with people. Wouldn’t it be good if we gain more than just weight each time we gather to enjoy good food? 😄

Your thoughts?