Race Day

Among other things, one thing I learnt this time is that tying shoelaces properly before running does make a big difference!  I used to tie my shoelaces in such a way that I can easily slide in/out of it without having to untie and re-tie it.  Now I tie it properly each time 

Yesterday was a lovely day , I did my best and am happy with the results, quite an improvement from my fastest training run!

From my Runkeeper app:

Official results from Medibank Melbourne Marathon’s website:

Progress Report (The Journey that Got me Here)

Previous weeks greyed-out.

Different Reactions

While I’m happy with my timing, I am not a good runner by any measure (those who are proper runners would know).  Rather, I only entertain people with my stories.

Last year after I did my 21K, many friends thought that was amazing.  But actually I’m really more like an ignorant kid trying to cook a meal or something for the first time and end up burning myself in doing so although I do pick up some things along the way (but in no way close to being an expert.  See, I even only learn how to tie my shoelace recently!).

Meanwhile many were amazed (in particular those who don’t work out at all ), a friend of mine who’s done a few marathons looked at my half-marathon results last year, genuinely bewildered, he said, ‘Why were you running so slowly?  I don’t get it.  You have no weight to carry.’  Hahahah, and that is right.  It takes the true to know the false.

Thanks for coming, girls 😀
Team Samaritans did it! (Maria not in the photo)

So Why Run?

A friend of mine asked me why I run when I do not even enjoy running?  So what makes it worthwhile?  Here are some:

  • I get to fund raise for a cause I believe in!  And this year, even doing it together with other friends! 
  • I learn things during my training experience (usually unrelated to running in itself, but also some related to it such as the shoelaces thing).
  • I do enjoy the writing and sharing. 
  • It creates conversations otherwise wouldn’t have been there.  I get to meet new people and/or know them better.  Believe it or not, after all these running saga (this year’s 10K, 2017’s 21K, 2015’s R4K), I’m still a bad runner!  But the friendships made remain. 🙂
  • I do enjoy ticking the checklist in my training program – I’m a bit OCD!
  • It does give me good sleeps. 

Thanks for all who have supported along the way (trained with me, came on the race day, kind messages, advice, warning, or financially supporting Samaritan’s Purse).  The fundraising is still open until 14 Nov if you would like to give.



P.S.  For those still waiting for me to do a FULL marathon, you wait long long. 

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