☀The Spring that I Had Been Waiting For ☀

Last Sat was beautiful, the lady who took our photo said we looked like we’re in Hawaii!

Not Hawaii, it’s just Albert Park Lake

However, as we ran a few kms into it, we started to feel it not as nice as it looks (not for running anyway)!  Too warm, too sunny, a bit dry.  So glad for the intermittent few meters under the shades in the running track.  Kept waiting for the Runkeeper app to sound me the next audio stats telling me I’m getting there.  To take mind off the fact I’m running step by step for what felt like many more, looked at other things out there far ahead.  Discouraged by the remaining distance, focused on the ground right in front of me instead.  By and by, covered the 7 km planned for and then walked over to the water cooler that felt like an oasis on the desert! 

The same thing that makes the day beautiful makes you almost sick of it, do you feel that sometimes?

So warm and sunny even the ducks sought shelter under the tree
But we did what we came for, completed 7 km run

How timely was the Daylight Savings last Sun, fortunately it means it is earlier and cooler when we run on the race day this Sun.

Race Bib’s Ready, Are We?

Race Pack Collection
Look, I’ve got a pretty towel for 10K, so much better than last year’s over-sized socks for Half Marathon

Excitement level is going up for the race, will you consider help raising our fundometer too?


Progress Report

(previous weeks greyed out)

Can we have more samaritans please?  https://melbournemarathon2018.everydayhero.com/au/mellytjoa

Thank you all. 🙂

Your thoughts?