‘You can easily do this 10K with eyes closed !  No sweat!  (Since you’ve done 21K before)’

Hey, incorrect. ❌

I will trip and fall with eyes closed, and I will sweat like a pig a few kms into the race  this spring ☀.

Joking aside, if you’ve done some running before, you’ll be more prepared mentally.  But physically?  That depends, you basically use it or lose it.  Unfortunately your performance does wane pretty quickly within just a few weeks of breaks.  After not running for a year?  Start from ground zero, man.  I for one definitely feel that.

But my friends and I have trained hard for the past 7 week and are definitely getting into shape for the race day.  Although, however, Samaritans’ Purse could get a lot more help.  Would you please consider giving to them? 


Progress Report

One thing I learnt over the past few weeks is to keep going, on to the next thing.  Tired?  Keep going, only stop when you’re done.  Looks/feels cold?  Too early in the morning?  May be too windy?  Look, it is raining.

I’m not advocating stretching yourself till you snap or crack, rather I only try to ignore voices in my head I know spring out of laziness.  When I got out and did it anyway, as it turned out it wasn’t as bad as the mind had me imagined.  That’s similar to our daily routine, is it not?  Quit fretting over unfavourable circumstances, keep at it, work at it, be useful, on to the next thing.

However!  I am also learning not to filter out the voices of reason in my head.  As my friends say, ‘Melly, when we became old women I’m going to ignore you if you start asking why your knees are hurting and bones aching.  It is because you don’t take care of yourself now!!’  Ok, I will try to keep that in mind. 

(previous weeks greyed out)

More Running Tracks

Hello hello, another day @ Caulfield Park
The day I ran with my walking shoes
A bit cold and gloomy while running our 7 km last Sat
Afterwards a beautiful day

Please join me in being a samaritan here: https://melbournemarathon2018.everydayhero.com/au/mellytjoa

Your thoughts?