🕸 A Web of Flights
Recounting a trip to Indo, in particular time spent in Medan, highlighting materialism, health habits, safety norms, and hospitality customs.
~ Melly Tjoa's Page ~
Recounting a trip to Indo, in particular time spent in Medan, highlighting materialism, health habits, safety norms, and hospitality customs.
Mid year reflections on some lessons learnt.
A lighthearted recall on my time with the kids in Jakarta during my recent trip..
Recalling nice or interesting things this warm holiday…
Recent trip/s to Malaysia!
Perhaps staying may be a better option – some things to consider when we are hurt and want to leave.
‘Serve me!’
And we’ll miss out on many good things if we operate by that default cry of our selfish nature.
A quick passing review of the year, just an appetizer for upcoming posts hopefully..!
Things that could be improved, and probably are even as I write.