Thanks to my workplace’s fun run initiative, a few of us are participating in the 10K Medibank Melbourne Marathon festival this October. 🏃‍🏃‍🏃🏃‍ 💨

What?!  Melly is running again?  It keeps repeating, I know.  Signing up without thinking and then end up injuring myself unnecessarily (but entertaining others along the way and did some fundraising though :D).

Have I not learnt my lesson?  But I have.  That’s why I’m just doing a modest 10K this time, nothing crazy.  Although it’s shorter distance than before, I promise to train well for this (and let’s try no injury this time! 😝).

This year I’m more excited  than previously because I’m doing team fundraising with my colleagues (and my friends really) for Samaritan’s Purse.  I hope our team’s fundometer will be going up as we get fitter towards the race day.  On the day the email went out to other colleagues, one person quickly instant messaged me, ‘Melly, why are you making me choose between you four?!  May be I’ll give to you each one fourth to be fair!’  Turns out he’s not the only one with that thought as we now see people actually donate to each of us 4, haha..

But we’re not trying to confuse, instead we’re doing team fundraising so we can reach to more people and hence more funds.  So I really don’t care which individual it is, just give to any one – they all go to the same fund!

Ways you can support:
-Donate HERE
-Train/run with me on the Race Day
-Tips/advice for injury-prone runner like myself?
-Pray for injury-free training runs and on Race Day
-Spread the Word

Thank you so much!



On Behalf of Team Samaritans to the Samaritan’s

P.S. My previous years runs:

2015 – Run for the Kids

2017 – Melbourne Medibank Marathon

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