Living for myself, self discovery, right?
So I dug and dug within and .. did I find gold .. ? I would have found gold first in Sovereign Hill the other week when I went panning with my nephew! But in my heart, I found only endless digging.
Trip Back Home – Lunar New Year
Commemoration of past events is understandable, but insistence on tradition based on myth is baffling,
After 2 Years..
.. meditation is in being even more present, not absent. It is in more thinking and not blanking out thoughts. It is gaining peace not by not thinking, but by thinking rightly. It results in fullness and not emptiness of the mind.
Dubious New Year Greetings
Wish it every year if you’d like, but what do we know for certain? You wait long long. For such things simply don’t exist. It doesn’t take long for the mood to settle back into everyday reality – by end of the week?
Eureka! Where’s the Edge?
Does it mean one big happy family? Not really. Just like any biological family, it is by no means perfect. Like everywhere else in the world, full of flawed people who are often self-centred. It is good we’re not kept together because we’re happy with one another (if it is, then it won’t last very long, would it?), but by something that runs much deeper and stronger.
Escape to the Tropics
It is easier to judge your own family, as it is more accurate? May be true in one sense, because you may see ugliness in them that outsiders do not see. So it’s no surprise if you’re not impressed by them as others would be, or when you lose patience with them.
When Cruising (Alaska) isn’t Just a Cruise
the captain spoke, ‘We do this (trip) not to escape reality, but to not let reality escape us.’
Thoughts on My Canadian Rockies Trip
Initial disappointment in this country, but then I didn’t know what await me in the coming days and weeks. That tells me first impression doesn’t last. For that matter, any impression doesn’t last.