‘What is the biggest lesson of the year?’
Thoughts on Joshua Harris
What makes you think you won’t do the same? I hope I wouldn’t, but I don’t know.
In times of my struggles, I have questioned myself if I hold on to some beliefs out of conviction or convenience.
‘How Boring. I Quit.’
Let alone work, .. if you’re a new parent, aren’t your routine quite decided for the next 15 years or something? So do you just quit out of boredom?
Everyone Has a Toilet to Fix in Their Life
Who had expected to go through all they have? Although we all know broken relationships, illness, and even bereavement happen to everyone, we still don’t expect it to happen to us.
Dubious New Year Greetings
Wish it every year if you’d like, but what do we know for certain? You wait long long. For such things simply don’t exist. It doesn’t take long for the mood to settle back into everyday reality – by end of the week?
Running Reflection: Finished the Race, Keep the Thoughts
What is 10K compared to 42K? It doesn’t make you less tired, but it certainly put things in perspective.
What I Learn from My GERD
Silence without, but active within.
With hours to pass until morning, I sit reflecting on different things. Sometimes I feel disoriented by the pain, but other times it produces worthwhile thoughts that I find helpful.
I learn to stay quiet, be patient, to struggle well. That’s what trials in life are like at times – you can protest and whinge all you want, it’s not going to drive them away. Who are you waging war against? If you’ll have to go through it, you’ll have to go through it anyway.
Thoughts on My Canadian Rockies Trip
Initial disappointment in this country, but then I didn’t know what await me in the coming days and weeks. That tells me first impression doesn’t last. For that matter, any impression doesn’t last.