Some seeing, freeing and sharing.
What Keeps You Going❓
Been awhile (been quite busy 😵).
Here’s actually an old post in limbo from 2 mths ago or so.
But for the record, here you go – some thoughts I had on service.
A Glimpse of Heaven so Marred 🪞
🪢 Clearing thoughts on daily disappointments in people.
People who Left a Mark on Your Life (2/2)
More people who impact me.
People who Left a Mark on Your Life (1/2)
Who’s shaped your thinking?
The Predictable Disappointments in the Church Family – a Better Perspective
Some perspective sheds its light on and affects everything else you see.
The Predictable Disappointments in the Church Family – My Default Response
My default response is often insensible, here’s one recent example with the church family.
Taking a Jab at the Dead Man – the Ravi Zacharias Scandal
Some say: people may say whatever they want, the man is dead, he can’t defend himself.
Instead of casting a verdict, here’s my thoughts on it..
Insight into the Single Life (2/2)
More on feeling of imposition, being free but alone and feeling left out.
What harms and what helps?