Does it mean one big happy family? Not really. Just like any biological family, it is by no means perfect. Like everywhere else in the world, full of flawed people who are often self-centred. It is good we’re not kept together because we’re happy with one another (if it is, then it won’t last very long, would it?), but by something that runs much deeper and stronger.
Running Reflection: Finished the Race, Keep the Thoughts
What is 10K compared to 42K? It doesn’t make you less tired, but it certainly put things in perspective.
Progress Report #5 – Race Done, Results Out!
Meanwhile many were amazed (in particular those who don’t work out at all ), a friend of mine who’s done a few marathons looked at my half-marathon results last year, genuinely bewildered, he said, ‘Why were you running so slowly? I don’t get it. You have no weight to carry.’ Hahahah, and that is right. It takes the true to know the false.
Progress Report #4 – Good to Go?
The same thing that makes the day beautiful makes you almost sick of it, do you feel that sometimes?
Progress Report #3 – Spring into Running
When I got out and did it anyway, as it turned out it wasn’t as bad as the mind had me imagined. That’s similar to our daily routine, is it not? Quit fretting over unfavourable circumstances, keep at it, work at it, be useful, on to the next thing.
Progress Report #2 – Slow Down to Pick Up
Just this past Sat when it was gloomy, rainy, and very windy indeed, everyone bails..
so that these birds were my only companions (look, so many of them… Mmmm… bird soup)
Escape to the Tropics
It is easier to judge your own family, as it is more accurate? May be true in one sense, because you may see ugliness in them that outsiders do not see. So it’s no surprise if you’re not impressed by them as others would be, or when you lose patience with them.
Progress Report #1 – Well into Training
Precisely because I’ve done half marathon before, that’s why I’m doing 10K this time!
Counting Down to Fun Run!
What?! Melly is running again? It keeps repeating, I know. Signing up without thinking and then end up injuring myself unnecessarily (but entertaining others along the way and did some fundraising though :D).