My R4K race was obviously done and dusted 3 weeks ago.  But just for completion sake, I am writing this late post.  

Week 10 – Continuation

Before last long training run, post post post Lunar New Year meal @ the very delicious Colourful Yunnan, Hawthorn
Last long training run, 10K
Windy day

Week 11 – Strolling into Race Day

Only one training run for the last week
Look!  Isn’t Caulfield park pretty?  And those ducks, yumm.. reminds me of the Ten Wonder Herbs Roast Duck in Singapore
Race pack collection 3 days prior to race day
Day before race, a friend’s wedding at Yarra Valley
With the bride’s sis – sweet speech she did 🙂
And the bride!

Race Day – My hardest race yet

Meeting point at Southern Cross Station
@ Starting point

It’s not the longest distance or even worst weather in all the race I’ve ever done, but it indeed felt like the hardest run so far.  Initially I was thinking, ‘12.8K, how hard can it be?’ (comparing to the 15.5K course I did a few years ago).  But along the way I realised may be they make it 12.8K this time for a reason, so many upslopes!

Passing Bolte Bridge

As with any race, you have people cheering at different points, supposing to cheer you on as they raised their voice to spur the runners on.  However, I found that doesn’t always work.  Sometimes life felt like that, doesn’t it?  People meant well to cheer you on, but you prefer them quiet.

As when it’s too warm while running, fingers started swelling like pig’s and getting very stiff and uncomfortable!

I stopped twice in this race, which is something I’ve not done in all the previous races!  Normally I just kept going and only stopped when I reached the finish line (I could slow down, but I won’t stop).  Not this time though, fingers were swollen like Michelin, red and stiff.  Toes weren’t any better and went numb.  For some reason my body reacted the worst it had that day.  So I resigned and rested on the side, rubbing fingers and toes until I could feel them again.  

What kept me going was not the cheer I heard, but rather I told myself that’s the distance I have to cover anyway.  You press on to help yourself, because what you need to cover, you still need to cover.  So channel the energy to that end, something like that.

Yeahhh, it’s done.
Everyone’s glad it’s over

Anyway, how glad I was the race is over – 

  • Another race done, I’ve enjoyed the time with friends doing this together
  • Regain back all those time not spent on training now, yay!
  • Fundraising for CMS’ Beautiful Feet campaign met the target 🙂  

Progress Report

And now, time for a break from running.  Woo hoo!

Your thoughts?