To give:

Continuing reporting progress from previously .. 

Week 9 – Training and Babysitting

Oh alright, I haven’t trained much since week 8 

But I’ve been spending time at the park with my nephew (and Maccas hahah!)

Never know where life swings you to, do you?

@ Maccas and Federal Reserve

What’s with kids and sticks (my nephew and niece love them)

Yes, we did run last week, in the rain on a cloudy day! 🌧

Week 10 – Bye bye Gym

Looks like after the race, I’m not going to resume my jacuzzi-in-the-gym days.  I’ve quit the gym effective today! 

The fact is I don’t like running, I don’t like swimming even more, never like cycling class, or any of the classes indeed (not that there’s anything wrong with them, but that I am not quite a gym person).

I had joined the Virgin Active gym last year in a fun agreement to be gym buddies with some friends and we’ve enjoyed lots of benefits along the way.  Took me awhile to be convinced at first, because usually people join the gym:

  • for the classes / fitness equipment (I don’t like / use them)
  • to motivate yourself to exercise by paying it already (I was already going out for a jog once a week before any of this) 

So I only went for the classes and use different facilities in the gym because I was on a training plan for the Melbourne Medibank 10K run last year.  Once the race was over, I went back to treadmill and jacuzzi.  Now I’m back to classes only to train for the upcoming 13K run too.

But looks like this is the end of it.  My friend who initially invited me to join the gym became pregnant and quit the gym, so less and less incentive to continue with the membership.  So now I’m out!  (Woo hoo, save $ and time :))  

Progress Report


Fundraising Target

Only $15 left to reach target, care to help?

(Donation close tomorrow 29 Mar 2019)

Race Day Target

A few of us:

  • One friend has been doing really well and is aiming at a certain pace.
  • Another one will be doing this race for the first time ever, so hoping to just be able to finish it.
  • I, well, I am just aiming not to lose any more toenails from this race! 

Thanks heaps all you who support.

Your thoughts?